The OCSiAl China team has intensified its activities in the silicone market by sharing information on the advantages of TUBALL single wall carbon nanotubes with silicone industry experts at two high-profile specialised conferences. The Conference on Technologies in the Organic Silicones Industry was held in Guangzhou on 19 May and attracted leading glob al manufacturers and stakeholders, including Asia ’s largest silicone producer Bluestar, and the world’s technological leader – Wacker Group. The conference featured live broadcasting for more than 20,000 people. The Forum in Foshan was focused on Chinese silicone industry trends and the whole suppl y chain, and was attended by more than 2 00 participants.
Experts from OCSiAl China – Loyes Zhi, Managing Commercial
Director, and Zhang Xiaodong, Sales and Support Manager – delivered presentations
on applications of TUBALL nanotubes in LSR, RTV and HCR silicones. The TUBALL
MATRIX line of super-concentrates allows permanent and uniform conductivity to
be achieved at extremely low loadings without requiring any changes in the technological
process, formulation or equipment. TUBALL nanotubes also enable coloured ESD
compounds with maintained mechanical properties and rheology. The company showcased
the growing number of successful market applications that its partners are producing
with the use of TUBALL nanotubes.
The presentations enjoyed active feedback from the participants at the events that led not only to extended Q&A sessions but also attracted the leading specialised media, which interviewed Grigory Gurevich, CEO of OCSiAl Hong Kong. Mr Gurevich briefed journalists on OCSiAl, its technology and the applications of TUBALL in silicones, and he also shared his vision of the Chinese silicone market and its prospects.
By l eaning on the unique competitive advantages that TUBALL offers to the silicone industry, OCSiAl China is actively engaging the local market . Company experts have participated in three conferences in a row over the last month just in China, collecting feedback and contacts from all market players. “The Chinese silicone industry has warmly welcomed our advanced solutions. Attending these conferences allows us to develop mutually beneficial relations with the major stakeholders and also to widen our partnerships with the huge number of other smaller players in the Chinese silicone market”, commented Aleksei Minakov, CEO of OCSiAl China.